Monday, October 26, 2009

First Visit From the "Tooth Fairy"

 Look at my tooth!

Our "Tooth Fairy" requested that Kayley put her baby teeth in a special box so that she could be sure not to miss any.  ;)

She has now lost two teeth.  She asked me point blank if I was the Tooth Fairy.  I asked her what she thought the answer was.  She said that she was pretty sure I was.  I didn't deny it.  My little girl, 6 going on 16.  Sigh.


Teandra said...

Wow! She's a smart lady ;)

Marci said...

She has already figured out Santa and the Easter Bunny too. I told her that she could go on pretending that she believed in them for awhile if she wants to. She said that thinks that she will for now. lol!

She asked me point blank on those too. I have a face that clearly shows what I am thinking. There was no point in not telling her the truth. She would have seen it anyway.

WeJuLaar said...

That is Cheating!

Marci said...

You may call it cheating; I call it making life easier. lol! I got the idea from a friend. ;)