Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lately I've ...

learned a lot about myself. This has come mostly from my experiences trying to recover and move past knee surgury.

1. A "crutch" can be really helpful right after you experience a trauma in your life, but it does more harm than good if you hold onto it too long.

2. I can still accomplish most of the things I need to in my everyday life. It just might take longer and require some interesting tactics.

3. I can do a pretty awesome Frankenstein's Monster impression.

4. I'm getting better at being on the receiving end of meals, child care etc... I do still prefer to be the giver though.

5. I can still keep my kids in line (for some reason they keep trying to take advantage of the situation), I just have to rely on innovative techniques.

6. My hubby and parents are real troopers and I'm very blessed and lucky to have them in my life.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bedtime Story Jammy Party

For Family Home Evening (We try dedicated one night each week to spending quality time together.) we decided to have movie/slumber party complete with popcorn of cours. The kids totally dug the idea. What did we watch? Bedtime Stories of course.

The movie in the background.

Emily looking slightly like a frog.

The kids in their jammies w/ daddy in the background.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Easter Pictures at Last

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marci's Stats According to Kayley

In preschool, they talked about how great mothers are (I really like that subject.). They asked the kids some questions about their mothers. The bold print words and numbers were her answers.

My Mom is 60 years old.

My Mom is 18 inches tall.

My Moms favorites color is green.

My Mom's favorite food is cereal.

My Mom loves to go to her mom and dad's house.

My Mom weighs 17 pounds.

My Mom's best friend is Cindy.

My Mom loves it when I wash the dishes with her.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Academy Award Goes To....

Kayley and Jonathan have been taking a theater class through an organization called Up With Kids. They have learned all about staging, singing, dancing, cooperation, and so many other things. After all of those classes, they got to perform their production, "Enchanted...starring YOU!) for Woodstock Elementary and then for all of the people they invited at Bonneville Junior High.

They are the two little "coneheads" on the far right of the front row.

Afterwords, they had the presentation of the Academy Award. It turns out they all won one. They were each presented with a statue that resembled Oscar. Jonathan couldn't keep his eyes off of it. He still carries it around everywhere.

Jonathan was studying his award as we were leaving McDonald's (Guess who got to pick the restaurant after the performance.) and exclaimed, "He has a golden bum!"