Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Utah State Fair

My camera was having an identity crisis (I think it wanted to be an iPhone), so it wasn't working yesterday. These pictures are actually from last year's trip to the fair.

This is K and J standing next to the "Little Hands on the Farm" exhibit. It was really cool. They take a basket and and apron and proceed through different parts of the "farm" doing chores. They put the "products" of their labor into the basket. At the end, they sort the things in their basket into their designated areas.

They are then "paid" for their labors with a paper $1 coupon to be used in the "Farmer's Market". They could chose from cereal, chips, apples, milk, cheese, and other food. K chose strawberry milk and J chose chocolate milk. They loved it! The whole experience didn't even cost us any money. The exhibit was totally free. Cool huh?!

They also loved riding the ponies. I wish that I had been able to take a picture this year because K looked like a total natural while she was riding. She still says that she wants to be a cowgirl and a vet when she grows up.